The healing Power of Prayer

Prayer is the key of the morning and the bolt of the evening

                   Mahatma Gandhi

Every religion put emphasis on praying and people pray in their own ways to God. The purpose of prayer is to seek connection between our soul to the Supreme being .

Prayer can mean different to different people but it gives strength to all.

What the Power is I cannot say all I know is that it exists.

Henelr Graham Bell

Prayer is man’s greatest power

W.Clement Stone

Prayer is sending blessings to all

Prayer is sending your compassion to all

Prayer is creating antidote of negative thoughts.


 Power of Prayer

Prayer does not change God, but changes the person who prays.

Scientific Studies done on the effects of prayer , found that prayer is an important factor in living longer and staying healthy. It helps people overcome difficult times.

Prayer and meditation increase levels of dopamine – hormone of good mood, joy and well-being.

It is proven scientifically that praying lowers our blood pressure and reduces stress.

Studies have shown that Prayer strengthen our immune system and helps in reducing the severity of illness. Prayer also helps in coping better with the illness.

People living close to temples and churches are found to be healthier and happier. They are less likely to suffer from anxiety and depression.

Four essentials to Prayer

Include four things in your everyday Prayer :

Positive Thoughts, Gratitude, Forgiveness and Visualize.


We get thousands of thoughts every day. Every thought has energy. If we consciously try to check the quality of our thought, we will be surprised that we mostly have negative thoughts, or thoughts of future or past. Very few positive thoughts and thought of present. You should encourage positive thoughts throughout the day. While praying make a conscious effort to entertain only the positive thoughts.

All that we are is the result of what we have thought



Gratitude is the second step of prayer. Experience the change in your perspective by being thankful to the things you have. Be thankful to your relationship with the nature, with people around you. In your prayer convey thanks to God for the wonderful things he has bestowed on you.

Gratitude Makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for the tomorrow.



It is really hard to forgive people who have done bad to you, but if we let it go, you are only doing good to yourself.

In your Prayer, let go of all the anger and hard feelings. Pray to God to give you strength to forgive people who have wronged you. Forgiveness is the biggest favor you can do to yourself.

Forgive people in your life even those who are not sorry for their actions. Holding on to anger only hurts you not them.



When you visualize, you materialize positive thoughts, feel the joy, feel the happiness. Happiness attracts happiness and positivity attracts positivity, so whatever we are feeling is what we are attracting.

In your Prayer, visualize that you are happy, the people around you are happy. Visualize that this world is a beautiful place and your Prayer is helping others.

To bring anything into your Life, imagine that it’s already these.

   Richard Bach

We usually pray to fulfill a desire, to get peace, prosperity, health, to overcome sinful karma or forgiveness, protection etc.

Praying does not alter the situation but help us go through our bad times, as it gives us strength to face the situations.  It gives us hope.

It’s a believe that if you pray with good heart and honesty than your prayers will be answered.


Should you pray only when you need something or should you pray every day?

If it is possible set aside some time to pray every day. It will give you peace and calmness.

Like we sculpt any muscles in our body by exercise in gym so can we sculpt our brain as well.

Just few months of practice leads changes in in both brain and in immune system both in positive direction.

The feeling to get connected to the supreme soul is a feeling to experience, people experience oneness with the universe, a moment of eternal bliss which comes with practice.

Prayer done with reasons goes in your subconscious mind and the subconscious mind works to make it happen.

Faith and Prayers are invisible, but they make impossible things possible


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